Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What I`ve been doing... or My dreadlock story...

Maybe you`re wondering: what`s with Sara? What was she up to, the last few days?
Well, I`ll tell you.....

Jup, I got dreads.
Ever since I was like 14, I adored dreads...I kind of forgot about it until like 1.5 months ago...I really got into it again. So I started researching, watching tons of youtube videos and all that stuff.
2 weeks ago I was completely sure, that I wanted to get them!

My dear friend Monicka and I started talking about it and planing everything. We ordered real hair extensions 3 weeks ago and waited patiently for them to get here.
They finally arrived last wednesday, so we agreed on starting the next day.

I was feeling a bit nervous, like I felt before getting my tattoos. You know that scary, exciting, happy feeling? Yes, it`s amazing and terrifying at the same time.
Mostly, I was worried how it would work with my pretty short hair and the extensions. Because I`ve never used extensions before.

On thursday Monicka came over at 10 o`clock to get started.
First we treated the extensions with "kieselerde" (sorry, don`t know how it`s called in english). It`s a powder you can take for healthier hair. But when you use it like a treatment, it damages your hair and makes it really dry. So...perfect for dreading. Extensions are treated with a LOT of chemicals, to stay all smooth and shiny. You don`t want that for dreadlocks, so it has to go away.
We put the nasty looking paste on all the extensions and left it soaking for half an hour. Afterwards we just washed it out and blow dried them.

Then it was time to get started!

The last picture of me with "normal" hair...
We started by sectioning the hair and then the dreading began!
Monicka was dreading my hair, while I was dreading extensions.
We used the backcombing and crocheting method. It is pretty effective and works well.

Some parts were REALLY painful, I can tell you.
And at first, we had a hard time attaching the dread extensions to my dreaded hair.
But somehow we figured out how to do it.
Unfortunately, shortly after that, Monicka had to leave.

We agreed on continuing the next day.

I gotta tell you, I felt really weird.
i had about 4 dreads, in the back of my head. I looked like a weird witch or something :)!
I couldn`t wait for the next day.

On friday we continued...
It was a lot better, because we both knew how to do it best. But we only had 4 hours on our hands to do it.
So we dreaded, and dreaded...

After a while we knew we wouldn`t make it. So we focused on my bangs and the back of my head.
We finished about 70 %.
It was so much less painful that day....
And I already saw how I`d look.... It made me really happy!
Just 70% dreadlocked hair and I looked and felt different. Different good.

But oh my, did my head hurt! Well, my scalp from the pulling and my neck/back, from all the sitting still....
I went to bed early and got some rest.

We decided to get a day of rest on saturday. That was fine, I was able to hide the non-dreaded parts of my hair, so I could walk around in public.

Sunday came along and we made plans to start at two. We dreaded all the left over extensions and then got to attaching them...
I finally found a good sitting position, so my back wasn`t that tense all the time. We worked and worked and worked.
We watched dvd after dvd of friends...

At ten o`clock in the evening, we were done!!! I was incredibly happy and tired.
Monickas hands looked damaged and there was hair EVERYWHERE.

But I was feeling soooo happy....It just feels so ME. Like I`m meant to have dreads.

I can tell you it was an awesome experience.
I spent 3 days with Monicka. We watched a lot of friends, listened to music, talked and laughed.
I think it brought us closer together and I really enjoyed the whole process.

Why did I get dreads?

Well, I think it looks AMAZING, but that`s not everything. It`s just looks.
For me it as a deeper meaning to it.
I think most of you know, what a transformation I`ve been through this year.
I quit eurythmy school, I went to another clinic, worked through a lot of stuff, made huge progress, I went on a trip (first time in 3 years), and I moved out!

I am on a path to get to my true self. I can feel that I am getting closer and closer.
It seems like I am peeling all the layers of anxiety, insecurity, guilt and fear of. To get to the core of ME.

I am a free spirited person. I am wild. I am a bit crazy. And I love to try new things!

So I HAD to take that step.
It`s a sign for me and the world (who sees me).

There I am....Sara with dreadlocks. Just doing what I like and looking how I like.

It`s a challenge to accept other peoples oppinions on such drastic changes. But that`s what I wanted.
I need to learn, that it`s not important what people think.

I can be comfortable and confident just because I am how I am!

So, that was my dreadlock story...

I am really excited to see what they are going to grow into. They`re just babies now and will change over time....

Thanks for reading!

Love and hugs,


PS: Monicka, you`re awesome!!!!! Thanks for going through it with me.. Couldn`t have done it withouth you!<3

Monday, November 12, 2012

Life with anxiety lately...

My anxiety and I mostly live a life of A"friendship". By that I mean, I really try to accept it and take it with me whereever I go. Because it wont leave, so I have no other option than to just be ok with it.

But then there are these times, where it just fucking annoys me and makes me m i s e r a b l e !
I had the worst panic attack on thursday evening, that lasted like 3.5 hours....That`s hard work, I can tell you. Going through waves of panic, feeling like you`re gonna loose your mind....and nothing that normally helps, helped. 
So I eventually just gave in and waited for it to be over....

Unfortunately, it`s not over with one attack. For days it makes me feel like shit. I`m scared I will get another bad one, I just feel so controlled by anxiety.
It makes me angry! 
I can`t do my normal routines...I don`t feel satisfied. I just want to sleep all the time.

That state is actually worse than the actual attack. Because you feel like it`s not gonna go away.
And it wont...

Until you get up and pull yourself together again.

I could easily loose myself in selfpitty for days, or even weeks.

Why do I have to deal with this?

Why can`t I just feel good?

When is this nightmare gonna stop?

And so on....

Eventually, I can see that I am stopping myself to get out of this state of mind...

Of course I feel bad, when I don`t eat right. Of course I feel tired, when I sleep to much. Of course I can`t sleep at night, when I slept during the day. Of course I feel shitty, when I don`t do stuff that I love. Of course I feel lonely, when I just hide inside my appartment.

So, what should I do now?

Yes, pick up the pieces....

So, I`m gonna dress myself in something pretty, eat healthy again, read inspiring things, go outside and move!

Just try to accept that you had a shitty few days, and start having better ones!



Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Make your own bread!!!

Baking bread is a really sensual, satisfying thing.
You throw together flour, yeast, salt and water, knead with all you`ve got, wait an hour, knead some more, put it in your oven and 45 minutes later you got this beauty....

Gorgeous, no?

This is how you do it:

625g flour

(I just used some left overs I had.., which was:
325g wholemeal spelt flour
some spelt flour
and some all purpose flour)

1 teaspoon salt

one package dry yeast (about 7g)

5 dl water

Now, put flour and salt in a big bowl and make a little crater in the middle.
Then take the yeast and put it in the crater, with some water. With a wooden spoon stir just a little bit, so that the yeast/water is covered with flour.
Wait 10 minutes, what you just did is called a "pre-dough".

Then you stir until it`s mixed together, take it out on a floured surface and knead until you got a smooth ball of dough..
When you`re happy with it, put it back in your bowl and let it raise for like an hour, until it`s doubled its size.

Now, take it out of the bowl and knead again. At least 5 minutes or until your hands hurt...
Preheat your oven to 220°C.

Form your bread into a nice loaf, put it on a parchment lined baking sheet and cut it in 3-4 times.

 At last, dust it with some left over flour...That gives it a nice, professional look.

 Bake for around 45 minutes,
let cool on a baking rack and try to stop yourself from eating it right away!

Now, be proud of yourself!!!
Experiment with bread baking, it`s so easy, cheap and awesome!


Sara Tatanka

Sunday, November 4, 2012

We are all earthlings.....

I just watched the documentary: " the earthlings" and it moved me deeply....

So I`m telling you, you should watch it...

Here! Do it!

I`m gonna tell you a little bit about the movie aswell as write down my own thoughts about it.

The earthlings is a documentary concerning the living beings we call animals. We share our planet with them, sometimes our home and our food.
But how comes, we treat them like shit?!

The movie is structured into different chapters, such as FOOD, PETS,ENTERTAINMENT, etc.
It is heavy, I tell you...I cried.
You can see how cows, chicken, veals or porks are treated and slaughtered. The conditions are horryfiying and without any kind of respect...
Animals trapped in small cages, skin to skin....They sometimes eat eachothers tales and ears, because they are suffering from starvation and are just going crazy.
They don`t have space to move, they never see daylight.

It shows how foxes and other wild animals are getting skinned alive...

I could go on and on, but the short of it is: It`s just sick!

Humanity is sick. How can people work at slaughter houses, where they beat animals to death every day. They cut their throats and just let them hanging, until they eventually die..
They yell at them, letting their own anger and frustration out.

When you see this, you think you see nazis!
The screaming, the beating....I can not understand how these people are able to sleep at night, or take money for this kind of job.
I`d rather be homeless than work at a place like this.

Of course, I think about this often...
What can I do? How do I want to handle this?! 

I try to be a good human. For me, this means treating all living beings with respect. 

A lot of things make me angry and sad.
If I could, I`d only buy organic, local and handmade stuff. Where I know where it comes from.
Food, clothes, furniture, everything.

But that`s simply not possible, if you`re not a millionaire.
Unfortunately I still have to buy clothes at h&m, I can`t buy just organic, because I don`t have the money....

I have a few tricks, that I live by. I always try to get better and just in general: buy less stuff!
But it`s hard. We`re living in a time where it is always about consumating....
It`s difficult to be a part of the world, and still live conscious!

I could easily go nuts over this! I could cry and think the world is such a HORRIBLE place (which it is) but it`s also magic and beautiful.

BUT, we have to do something. It starts with the littlest things, like buying swiss apples and not those from newzealand (when you`re in Switzerland). Or buy veggies that actually grow`s not natural to eat strawberries in november, guys!

Back to the animals, which are the main characters in the documentary....

Think about getting a pet,  and also think about where you`ll get it.
Read where your meat comes from...Buy organic if you really have to eat it!
If you don`t have much money, eat meat once a week...Then you can afford it and it becomes a special treat.
Don`t buy fur! It`s ugly and animals are treated the worst!!!!

Just be conscious about what you do and how you do it! 
We can always improve....

Love ,

Sara Tatanka

Dear Friends,

I have no idea if anyone outthere is still reading, after all these changes.

For 2.5 years my bloghome was blogger (, then I moved to tumblr a few weeks ago, to start fresh.
But I wasn`t happy about it. I feel like it`s not the right place for me and my way of blogging.
I also missed some of the tools and gadgets from blogger. So here I am again.
It`s good to be back, with a new blog!

I hope you enjoy!

